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Disability Benefits

On-Claim Service

Get On Claim & Stay On-Claim

Our On-Claim Service process includes:

1. We initiate the claim, creating the detailed paper trail of evidence needed to get your benefits started.
2. We schedule appointments with medical specialists to properly document your claim.

3. Once we get you On Claim, we continue to fight every month to KEEP you On Claim.
4. We deal with “Offsets” when disability insurance companies want to reduce your benefit.
5. We deal with the insurance company ignoring a social security disability decision that says you’re disabled. While we do not handle Social Security Disability (SSDI) claims, we DO put you in touch with an SSDI attorney and work alongside them.
6. We document the ERISA Record – to keep the insurance company from cutting you off.
7. We search for life waiver of premium claims and help you keep your life insurance in force.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

We invite you to explore our website, but more importantly, we invite you to call us and meet with us. Our initial consultation is provided free of charge.