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The cases that pull at our heartstrings the most are when someone has lost a loved one and is searching for the safety net that their loved one intended for them to have. A lot of people are not aware of all of the employee benefits and insurance policies that are in place when they are working that provide that crucial safety net for your loved one. Imagine what it’s like for your spouse or next of kin to go in search of that safety net and have to deal with an insurance company that doesn’t want to tell your loved one that they collected premiums and are supposed to be paying a death benefit. Often we’ve had spouses come in and only through in-depth investigations have we learned what was intended to be provided to them. That investigation is crucial. If you’ve lost a loved one or believe you are the beneficiary under some policy for your next of kin, you shouldn’t try to investigate this on your own. Give us a call today for your free initial consultation.